Employee Recognition

A person handing a gift to another person

Employee Recognition

Employee appreciation is a powerful tool that can significantly impact your team's motivation, productivity, and overall success.

An image showing employees celebrating

Employee Recognition

Employee Appreciation Day is an important occasion on the corporate calendar, dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the hard work and dedication of employees.

A small group of healthcare workers laughing and smiling at a table

Employee Recognition

Employee appreciation is the backbone of a motivated and engaged workforce.

A person giving a presentation in front of their colleagues

Employee Recognition

Words are powerful. The right words can uplift, motivate and leave a lasting impact.

Image shows two hands cupped together with a heart in the middle that says "Thank You"

Employee Recognition

The art of a well-crafted, thoughtful thank you message is timeless.

An image showing a person holding a small gift

Employee Recognition

The word lagniappe (lan-Yap) is a Creole term referring to “a little something extra.” Generally considered from a sales and marketing standpoint, it has applicability in employee relations as well.

A team celebrating at work with confetti falling down in the background

Employee Recognition

Time and again, research backs up our lived experience: employees are happier and more likely to stay when they feel appreciated at work. And it’s clear employers can do more to recognize employees for their efforts and contributions.

Two coworkers shaking each others hands

Employee Recognition

Employee appreciation and recognition programs are among the most underrated ways to foster a positive work culture, improve the employee experience, and boost business outcomes.

An image showing a team of six people gathered around a table

Employee Recognition

In today’s post-pandemic world, one universal truth stands strong: a happy workforce is a productive workforce.

Four employee sitting around a table discussing a project

Employee Recognition

Recognizing employees’ hard work and contributions is key to fostering a supportive and productive workplace. Studies show that employee recognition, whether big or small, has a significant impact on employee morale, job satisfaction, and more.

Person writing a thank you note

Employee Recognition

The holiday season is a time of joy, reflection, and gratitude. It's a perfect opportunity for employers and organizations to express appreciation and goodwill towards their employees.

People giving each other a holiday gift

Employee Recognition

The holiday season offers a unique opportunity to express appreciation for your employees' hard work and dedication. Recognizing their efforts not only fosters employee happiness but can also significantly enhance productivity, engagement, well-being, and overall business outcomes.


Employee Recognition

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
Employee communication has always been critical — and challenging — to organizations of all types and sizes. Over the past two years and counting, those challenges have escalated in an increasingly remote and hybrid work environment where employees may be scattered across multiple locations and even time zones.


Employee Recognition

By Christine Knight
Acknowledging the hard work and efforts of those around you isn’t a new concept – it’s an age-old way of showing appreciation. In the workplace, fostering a culture of recognition is critical to retention and happiness.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
There are a wide range of ways that employees might recognize each other and their efforts. These can take a variety of forms and focus on both work (e.g., appreciation for collaborative team efforts) and personal (e.g., recognizing anniversaries, birthdays, and other life moments) recognition events. While some peer-to-peer recognition likely occurs organically in most organizations, it’s not something that should be left to chance. Being proactive in encouraging employees to recognize each other and providing them the avenues to do so easily and seamlessly can produce real benefits.