Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.

A group of colleagues talking to each other

Employee Retention

In just the span of three years, the workforce has undergone a radical transformation. Employees are feeling the strain of burnout, teams are now dispersed, and the economy is in a downturn.

Four coworkers talking in an company lounge

Employee Retention

With the expanding pool of remote job opportunities, organizations are facing an even greater challenge with retaining their top talent. The competition for attracting and retaining skilled professionals is fierce despite the job market cooling off in 2023, requiring organizations to adopt intentional strategies for talent retention.

How Technology Helps Build Community in Your Workplace and Beyond

Employee Engagement

By An Inspirus Contributer
Technology is transforming the ways we develop community within the modern workplace. How we interact, converse, recognize, and socialize is informed and shaped by the social platforms we use daily.

A photo that shows a magnet drawing in figures of people

Employee Retention

In the modern business environment, employee retention has emerged as a crucial aspect of organizational success. The ability to retain skilled and experienced employees is not just beneficial for maintaining a stable workforce; it also significantly impacts a company's culture, productivity, and ultimately, its bottom line.

A person writing a note in a journal

Employee Engagement

A sincere New Year message is the perfect way to kick off the new calendar year. A thoughtful message can do more than convey good wishes – it can energize, motivate, and align your team with the company’s vision and goals.

Paper stick figures huddled in a group

Employee Retention

Retaining employees is imperative to business success, especially during an economic downturn. As organizations navigate a challenging economic climate, the benefits of retaining valuable employees become even more pronounced.

An employee presenting in front of three coworkers

Employee Retention

Employee retention is a critical concern for organizations no matter the size or industry. High turnover can be costly and disruptive to an organization.

Employees at a Christmas Party

Employee Engagement

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration. And what better way to spread this festive cheer than with an engaging and memorable company holiday gathering? Whether you're planning a small get-together or a grand festive bash, incorporating Employee Christmas Party Ideas and Games can significantly elevate the experience.

Person writing a thank you note

Employee Recognition

The holiday season is a time of joy, reflection, and gratitude. It's a perfect opportunity for employers and organizations to express appreciation and goodwill towards their employees.

People giving each other a holiday gift

Employee Recognition

The holiday season offers a unique opportunity to express appreciation for your employees' hard work and dedication. Recognizing their efforts not only fosters employee happiness but can also significantly enhance productivity, engagement, well-being, and overall business outcomes.



By Lesa Blakey
Inspirus recently had the pleasure of attending the 2023 Gartner ReimagineHR conference in Orlando. We were impressed by the excellent speakers and sessions, including our own Theresa Harkins-Schulz, whose session “Harnessing Employee Engagement to Drive Positive Outcomes,” generated rave reviews.


Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
61% of Americans who responded to Cigna’s 2020 Loneliness Index report feeling lonely. Loneliness is an issue that touches many of our lives in some way. As more research centers on the impact of loneliness on our lives, its effect on the workplace is coming into focus. According to Hakan Ozcelik and Sigal Barsade, who authored No Employee is an Island: Workforce Loneliness and Job Performance, employees who experience loneliness report.


Employee Recognition

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
Employee communication has always been critical — and challenging — to organizations of all types and sizes. Over the past two years and counting, those challenges have escalated in an increasingly remote and hybrid work environment where employees may be scattered across multiple locations and even time zones.


Employee Recognition

By Christine Knight
Acknowledging the hard work and efforts of those around you isn’t a new concept – it’s an age-old way of showing appreciation. In the workplace, fostering a culture of recognition is critical to retention and happiness.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
There are a wide range of ways that employees might recognize each other and their efforts. These can take a variety of forms and focus on both work (e.g., appreciation for collaborative team efforts) and personal (e.g., recognizing anniversaries, birthdays, and other life moments) recognition events. While some peer-to-peer recognition likely occurs organically in most organizations, it’s not something that should be left to chance. Being proactive in encouraging employees to recognize each other and providing them the avenues to do so easily and seamlessly can produce real benefits.