Bring Joy to Work, One Experience at a Time

Bring Joy to Work, One Experience at a Time

July 19, 2016

The Inspirus vision statement, “Bring joy to work, one experience at a time,” not only applies to the companies we work with across the globe, but includes our very own employees too.

Merriam-Webster defines joy as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune, or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” Joy is a greater emotion that is harder to obtain, but more meaningful and long-lasting when it is. With the help of perseverance and hard work, joy can make for a cohesive team.

“I come to work with a willing spirit, an open mind, looking for an opportunity to serve,” said Mike York of manufacturing.

After all, doesn’t everyone strive to have joy in their lives? And isn’t emitting joy to others just as important as receiving it? Having experiences within a workplace that unite co-workers and evoke joy can have a positive impact on an entire company, because who doesn’t want well-being, success and good fortune?

On June 28, to reinforce our vision statement, we announced the addition of two new recognition programs: inspire2excellence, a spot award program that managers use to reward employees on the spot, and Bring Joy To Work, a nomination program that is centered around our core values: integrity, humility, professionalism, life integration and partnership.

To spark interest and excitement, we launched an internal campaign to reinforce these core values we strive to live by every day. It included teasers that something BIG was coming—literally—and curiosity was in the air.

Finally, the day had come. Co-workers were greeted by three enormous, six-foot-tall letters spelling out that small yet mighty word: joy. From individual shots to goofy and fun group pictures, we gathered around the giant letters for a memorable Polaroid as a keepsake. With ’80s music blaring in the background, everyone joined in on the excitement and the air was soon filled with laughter, smiles, camaraderie and, well, joy.

Coinciding with the activity, we wanted to know not only what brings joy to work for our employees, but how they bring joy to work for others such as co-workers, clients and community members. Every reply was unique and heartfelt, and took a deeper look into how we are committed to bringing joy to work for those around us every single day. Here’s what we heard:

“Bringing joy to work is making sure our clients are given our full attention and commitment,” said Monica Hernandez of client services.

Marisol Rosales, also from the client services team, sees her co-workers as more than just those she works with on a daily basis, but something much more.

“We bring joy to each other, and that’s more meaningful than anything else,” said Rosales. “Just being able to give that to one another—being that important in each other’s lives—that makes me happy and I know it’s meaningful not only to me but the people who I work with and the people within this company.”

Markie Martin from the media services department commits to bringing joy by “working with other departments to make our work processes flow easier.”

Pete Chambers couldn’t help but join in on the fun. “It brings me joy to love and serve those I work around.”

The “Bring Joy to Work” event was just one of the many ways Inspirus makes sure that employees have purpose-built experiences year-round to show how much they are valued and appreciated. Judging by the wide grins and bouts of laughter, there was no doubt joy was in the house.

5 proven ways to increase joy at work for employees

Recognition Programs

Implementing recognition programs like employee of the month, spot awards, or peer-to-peer recognition boosts morale and acknowledges hard work.

Employee Wellness Initiatives

Organizing wellness activities, such as yoga classes, mindfulness sessions, or health challenges, promotes physical and mental well-being among employees.

Personal Development Opportunities 

Offering opportunities for professional growth through workshops, training programs, or mentorship schemes shows employees that their development is valued.Flexible 

Work Arrangements

Providing flexible work options, like remote work or flexible hours, demonstrates trust and empowers employees to achieve a better work-life balance.

Social Events and Team-building Activities

Arranging team-building activities, social events, or volunteer opportunities fosters camaraderie and strengthens relationships among colleagues, creating a more positive work environment.