
15 Ways to Use Connects Spotlights

June 1, 2022

By Alex McKee
Need to build community within your organization, and stay on-brand? One of the best features of the Inspirus® Connects employee recognition platform are the Spotlights. This area of the platform, which can be configured as self-service, is where your organization can showcase brand-specific... stories, news, events and initiatives that need to be communicated to your entire workforce. Spotlights can and should be changed often, to keep your employees coming back in search of fresh information and informed about what’s happening within your company.

Need to build community within your organization, and stay on-brand? One of the best features of the Connects employee recognition platform are the Spotlights. This area of the platform, which can be configured as self-service, is where your organization can showcase brand-specific stories, news, events, and initiatives that need to be communicated to your entire workforce. Spotlights can and should be changed often, to keep your employees coming back in search of fresh information and informed about what’s happening within your company.

What can you put in your Spotlights? Here are 15 ideas to get you going:

For Connects

Welcome to the Platform

When anything new is launched within a company, a ‘Welcome Message’ is not only appropriate but recommended. This Spotlight introduces your employees to the platform, explains its usage, and encourages them to try it out, increasing their sense of importance and feeling of belonging and value.

Answer Platform FAQs

As with any new program, there are always questions. Use a Spotlight to answer questions you anticipate might be asked by curious employees, and to answer any repetitive questions that keep resurfacing.

Communicate New Features

When new features become available on Connects, use a Spotlight to explain them and their purpose to your workforce. The platform is continuously being updated and refined based on user feedback and marketplace needs.

Introduce Spot Recognition Programs

Introducing a Spot Recognition Program is a way that organizations can continuously recognize special employee contributions, as they occur, for a specific project or task. For instance, one Inspirus Spot Recognition Program is called “Right on Target” and recognizes employees who exhibit company values. It was launched in a Spotlight, where program details were explained (how to gain and redeem points), and participation was encouraged.

Share Best Practices

Not everyone understands the purpose of recognition or is confident in how to give it. Use a Spotlight as a tutorial — explain when and how to give it and give examples. Here’s an infographic that gives 12 Best Practices for Sales Recognition and a blog post about 10 Best Practices for Employee Service Award Programs to use starters!

Recognize the Recognizer!

At the other end of the spectrum, recognize your top sender(s) of recognition! By highlighting a recognition champion and/or ambassadors of recognition, you encourage other employees to raise their game. “I’ve gotten too much recognition!” said no one, ever.

Offer Tech Tips

Want to provide your employees with hacks on how to use company technology (including the Connects platform) more efficiently? The Spotlight area is a great place to do that! You could even use the platform itself to recognize and thank employees who contribute tips and tricks.

For your Company

Promote Vision, Mission and Values

Your company’s vision and mission define the purpose of the organization and instill a sense of belonging and identity to your employees. Always having these principles visible within the Spotlight area of Connects reinforces your vision and motivates your employees to perform at higher levels to contribute to the company’s success.

Announce Company News, Events and Awards

Have important news to share about company awards, acquisitions, leadership changes, and more? Spotlights in Connects are the perfect area to communicate enterprise-wide news to all your employees — no matter where they sit — keeping them ‘in the know’ and informed.

Publicize Community Service Projects

Volunteerism brings your employees together in a shared purpose and strengthens your company culture. Post information about organized community service projects that are planned, and any information about local community projects so that your employees can follow their passions.

Invite to Company-wide Challenges

When special initiatives are starting, announce them in a Spotlight so that all your employees are informed and can participate. Inspirus recently used one of our Spotlights to announce our ‘Fruits and Veggie 31-Day Wellness Challenge’! Employees who ate at least one fruit and one vegetable daily during the month of April, were awarded points to redeem for the gift of their choice and were entered into a prize drawing.

Encourage Training and Career Development

Investing in training and development programs within your organization helps your employees feel like the company is investing in them. Post all the training courses available for your workforce — including management training, sales training, diversity training, and more — and encourage participation. Fact: according to LinkedIn’s 2022 Global Talent Trends survey, 59% of employees say they want more professional development and that the top driver of a great work culture is the opportunity to learn and grow.

Connect to Mentoring Program

Giving your employees access to on-the-job learning such as training (see above) and mentorship, creates a culture of mobility and results in increased levels of employee engagement and retention. For more on mentorship check out these two Inspirus blog posts: Mentoring: A Performance Boost for Companies and Employees and ******How Mentorship Can Improve the Employee Experience.******

Inform about Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

ERGs are groups within a company where employees meet up (in person or remotely) to network and socialize, work on professional development, and to raise awareness of relevant issues. Each group is based on shared characteristics, experiences, or goals. Post information about the types of ERGs available with your company — including a women’s network, an LGBTQ network, a working parent’s group, and more — so that all your employees have access, are supported, and feel included.

Boost Diversity Initiatives

Connects Spotlights are also the perfect place to showcase and promote diversity initiatives. For example, May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! Use the Spotlight area to recognize the influence of this special population segment, explain how the month is observed, and what your employees can do to celebrate their contributions!

These are just a few of the ways that an organization can use the Spotlights within Inspirus Connects, to inform, communicate and inspire your employees. If you want to see Spotlights in action, request a Connects demo today.