Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.


Employee Feedback

We have created a diagnostic employee feedback survey tool through its employee engagement platform, Connects. A collaboration between Inspirus and human insight partner, The Happiness Index, now gives organizations a single solution that measures employee sentiment and delivers insights that can improve employee engagement strategies, elevate company culture, and drive business success.

group of people looking up


By Paula Ambrozic
Anyone who’s ever had a job knows how important the relationships between people at work can be. From the caring boss to the helpful coworker, positive relationships can improve our day-to-day experiences, improve employee engagement, and even boost retention. And on the flip side, negative employee relationships (or even those that just aren’t positive enough) can have a dramatic impact on how we feel about our jobs.

Building a Positive Team Culture Through Trust

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
Trust is the foundation on which successful teams and positive team culture is  built. But recent world events like the pandemic has had a massive negative impact on trust in institutions around the world, according to global PR firm, Edelman, which conducts an annual “trust barometer” to monitor trust across four institutions — business, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and media.

What to Do About Quiet Quitting, Quiet Firing, and Quiet Hiring

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In 2022, three distinct employment trends made headlines, gaining attention quickly and prompting various levels of panic for organizational leaders: quiet quitting, quiet firing, and quiet hiring. None of these so-called quiet trends are actually new behaviors in the workplace.

How the C-suite Can Maintain a Competitive Workforce in Today’s “New Normal”


By Michelle C. Haas
IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta are among some of the big companies that have recently announced massive layoffs. This is an era that has been characterized by the Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and widespread concerns among managers of all kinds about keeping employees engaged and on board during their entire employee journey.

business meeting


By Catherine Turner
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand our emotions as well as the emotions of others.

Healthy Employees are Happy and Engaged Employees

Employee Retention

By Terri Moore
February is American Heart Health Month, a good reminder for all of us of the importance of overall health. That goes double for employers. After all, when employees are healthy, they’re more likely to be both happy and engaged at work — as well as more productive. In fact, according to the American Mental Wellness Association, companies can see productivity increases ranging from 12-20% when employees are happy at work. And, as we’ve said, being healthy makes employees happy.

Building Trust to Reduce “Quiet Quitting” and Turnover

Employee Retention

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
The statistics are compelling: employee engagement matters! According to a study from HR research and advisory firm McLean and Company, disengaged employees represent a cost of $3,400 annually, for every $10,000 in annual salary. The study also reported that disengaged employees cost the U.S. economy, overall, up to $350 billion annually.

Celebrate Diversity with an Inclusive Culture

Employee Retention

By Catherine Turner
Effective teamwork and collaboration are important superpowers for any organization with benefits for both individual employees and the company as a whole. We’ve all felt the exhilarating power of effective teamwork, especially when working together on something challenging.

Orientation vs. Onboarding: Important Differences

Employee Engagement

By Terri Moore
Orientation and onboarding can make or break the new hire experience — and drive long-term loyalty (or send employees running). But, while the two terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. They are, though, both integral parts of a company’s employee engagement and retention strategy.

Promoting Self-care to Reduce Burnout and Improve Employee Wellness

Employee Retention

By Jodi Davidson
Note: As part of Inspirus’ weekly series of internal education events, Jodi Davidson, Vice President, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Sodexo recently presented on the topic of self-care. Davidson’s presentation shared some proven strategies for identifying burnout and creating implementation plans to help manage employee health. 

C-Suite's Responsibility for Building a Strong Corporate Culture

Employee Recognition

By Michael C. Haas
“The Great Resignation.” “Quiet Quitting.” These are trending topics across a wide range of industries struggling to attract, retain, and engage workers. Organizations are facing a leadership crisis that is affecting corporate culture and the employee journey in a big way. The massive shift to remote and hybrid work has created additional challenges — including employee retention — that companies continue to struggle to overcome.

How Leadership Style Can Amp Up Engagement


By Lesa Blakey
“What’s your management style?” It’s a question that leaders are asked often and for good reason. Those being led want their supervisor or manager’s leadership style to complement their own style preferences.

executive meeting


by Kelley Briggs
See how challenges with communication, work/life flexibility, hybrid arrangements and the "Great Resignation" are causing the C-suite to shift strategy.