
6 Ways to Know if You’re Ready for Employee Engagement Tech


By Kelley Briggs
Adopting digital tools to support employee engagement and provide a better employee experience is a valuable advantage in today’s competitive marketplace. Employee engagement tools like Inspirus Connects can help employers motivate employees, creating a healthier team culture.

Rewards and Recognition When to Use What


By Theresa Karkins-Schulz
It’s no secret that employee recognition is critical to your company’s bottom line. Without it, employee morale and motivation plunges, and turnover soars. Giving your workforce a tool for recognition empowers them to celebrate each other, fostering a culture of appreciation and improving business success.

8 Ways to Prevent Burnout and Keep Employees Happy


By Terri Moore
April is Stress Awareness Month. According to a recent survey by digital wellness company meQuilibrium, between December 2020 and July 2021, employees reported a 21% increase in burnout and a 17% increase in physical symptoms of stress, including muscle tension and fatigue. Participants also expressed anxiety over work-life balance and higher levels of job stress in general.

folded arms


Shaping company culture is like developing any relationship; it requires commitment, trust, communication, and a common goal. A positive team culture has been proven to increase employee engagement and generate more positive business outcomes. Gallup cites organizations with high engagement levels.

How Embracing Purpose at Work Creates Community


By Lesa Blakey
Finding a sense of purpose is inherent to personal well-being, whether from a personal or professional standpoint. Millennials, in particular, have been pointed to as a generational cohort that craves the ability to create purpose — they want to do work that is meaningful to them and that provides benefits in meaningful ways to others.

Rewards and Recognition When to Use What


By Kelley Briggs
Mandates can be daunting. When a mandate centers around something that is seemingly subjective or intangible — like “culture” — the challenge seems especially complex. After all, history shows us great cultures don’t just happen overnight, they evolve over time (often long, long periods of time).

Multigenerational Collaboration: Differences Don’t Need to Lead to Difficulties


By Lesa Blakey
We’ve been hearing these labels for years: “Baby Boomers,” “Gen Xers” and so on. Ever since the concept of generational groups was developed in the early 90’s as a marketing tool to identify and understand potential customers, we’ve been grouping people into specific age brackets for many reasons. It’s generally believed that those who grew up under a similar time and circumstance often share similar attitudes and behaviors like work ethic, technological adaptation, worldviews, and opinions on authority (i.e., Boomers offer solid work principles, Gen Xers have great personal initiative, Millennials strive for cultural diversity, Gen Z are natural technology whizzes).

Healthy Employees are Happy and Engaged Employees


By Guest Contributor
If you want to take your business to the next level, one of the best ways to do it is to focus on your company’s culture. The culture at your business can have a positive impact on everything from work environment to productivity to employee morale.

woman relaxing after run


By Terri Moore
These shifts are causing perspectives of C-suite leaders to change — from CHROs to the CEO.... Since the pandemic, helping employees has become more than just keeping workers safe. HR leadership — and C-suite leaders at large — recognize that they need to ensure that the overall employee experience is stronger and better than ever in order to keep their employees on board and productive.

How Healthy Conversations Create a Stronger, Inclusive Culture


By Kelley Briggs
In an inclusive workplace, everyone feels respected and valued for being who they are; people trust that they can speak up, do their best at work, and be treated fairly. People who are happy in the workplace are more likely to perform better and contribute more to business success. The proof? Deloitte’s research shows when employees think their organization is committed to and supportive of diversity, and they feel included, their ability to innovate increases by 83%. McKinsey & Company reports companies with strong gender and ethnic diversity are 15% and 35%, respectively, more likely to outperform their competitors.

Best Practice for Employees Return to the Office


By Paula Ambrozic
This year, much like 2020, has been tumultuous to say the least. Many of us have changed how and where we work, and how we interact and connect. As the pandemic starts to wind down and we emerge from this disruption, HR leaders are asking us for workplace strategies and best practices to ensure their returning employees are safe, happy, and productive, and that their employee engagement levels ramp back up to pre-pandemic levels and beyond.

3 Ways to Enhance Community Within Your Organization


By Gene Park
Recognition programs are a great way to acknowledge employees when celebrating a service anniversary or acknowledging an employee’s great contributions, but such programs can encompass so much more.

3 Ways to Enhance Community Within Your Organization


By Kelly Briggs
Building a sense of community within the workplace is a continual process, especially as the modern workforce evolves. A new generation is entering the workforce, teams of co-workers are collaborating in multiple locations across the globe — in part because of the remote working conditions post-pandemic — and alternative employment (a.k.a. gig work) is a new reality for many workers.

Building a More Inclusive Leadership Pipeline


By Gene Park
Inclusive leadership can be a competitive advantage that helps organizations succeed. Not only does a diverse and inclusive work environment build team culture, it also attracts and retains talented employees who remain engaged and are likely to continue advancing their careers within your organization. Diverse and inclusive leadership can have a major influence on inclusive behaviors and dynamics among employees. But it’s equally as advantageous for an organization’s bottom line.



By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
Our workplaces are rich with diversity. When we create inclusive cultures, employees can be themselves, and acknowledge and celebrate their differences. As more businesses focus on diversity and inclusion, using the politically correct phrase “Happy Holidays” is not enough. Consider these 10 tips to create an inclusive workplace, starting in December, and extending into 2021.