Effective Employee Communication That Boosts Engagement and Community

Effective internal communication is the cornerstone of a thriving, engaged workplace. Following best practices for employee communication can turn lackluster messaging into a powerful tool that shapes company culture, improves morale and boosts productivity for the entire team.  

As with any relationship, whether personal or professional, it’s not just what you say but also how you say it. Whether you’re sharing a company update, communicating during a crisis or simply thanking the team for Employee Appreciation Day, the right messaging and internal communications channels makes all the difference.  

Research shows that leaders spend three to 10 hours per week preparing essential internal communications, but time doesn’t always correlate with impact. 

→ 74% of employees say they’re missing out on important company news because of a lack of internal communications. (Gallup)

→ 60% of companies don’t have a long-term internal communication strategy in place. (Arthur J. Gallagher & Co)

→ 30% of all project failures are the result of poor communication. (Project Management Institute)

→ Only 7% of employees strongly agree communication at their company is accurate, timely and open. (Gallup) 

Leaders hold the key to unlocking more effective communication within their organization, ensuring employees are kept informed without falling into a communication overload trap.  Read on for the most important internal communications best practices to cultivate a culture of open dialogue and collaboration.  

Best Practices for Effective Employee Internal Communication


Nurture Transparency and Honesty with an Internal Communication Strategy

No matter how meticulously planned your internal communication strategy, it has to hinge on transparency, consistency and honesty to be successful.  Research from Accoutemps, for instance, found that one of the most common reasons for low employee morale is poor communication. A third of the employees surveyed reported that a lack of open, honest communication was impacting team morale. When information is withheld, vague or unhelpful, employees begin to lose trust in their leaders and the organization itself.  

  1. Establish a culture of open, transparent communication from employees and leadership alike. 
  2. Address any issues or challenges directly, without sugarcoating or withholding details.  
  3. Encourage open dialogue and feedback where employees feel empowered to voice their opinions and concerns.  
  4. Ensure communication is consistent – consistent communication can help people feel that the organization is more transparent and cares about keeping employees up-to-date.

Building transparency and honesty into your internal communication strategy lays the foundation for building strong relationships between leaders and employees.


Utilize Multiple Communication Channels

The right message calls for the right channels of communication. Take advantage of using a variety of platforms and mediums to better distribute information and keep employees inspired.  

Tap into both digital and in-person communication as needed. Emails, newsletters and digital employee engagement platforms are excellent for disseminating information to a lot of people quickly. They’re also great for employee appreciation messages and employee recognition initiatives. In-person team meetings and company-wide own halls can be more suited for formal announcements or events.  

At the same time, make sure the communication flows both directions with whichever channel is used. Provide opportunities for employees to share their thoughts, concerns and suggestions. Of course, ensure their feedback is acknowledged and acted upon. 


Maintain Clarity and Consistency in Employee Communications

Confusing or disjointed communication is not only bad for employee engagement, but it also negatively impacts the organization’s bottom line.  

Ineffective communication is estimated to cost companies across the country $1.2 trillion in lost time and productivity, according to a recent business communication report. That works out to be more than $12,500 per employee every year!

To ensure understanding and alignment in employee communication:

  1. Use clear, concise language without unnecessary jargon or ambiguity to reduce misunderstandings.  
  2. Be consistent with your messaging across all communication channels to reinforce key points and prevent confusion.
  3. Provide context and background information where needed to help introduce new initiatives or company-wide changes. 

Fostering a cohesive, informed workforce requires ongoing effort to clearly convey information, expectations and goals – an effort that pays dividends. 


Encourage Empathy and Active Listening for Employee Engagement

Effectively conveying information, expectations and goals is a significant part of effective employee communication. But empathy and active listening are just as critical for successful employee connection and team alignment.  

  1. Show understanding of employees' feelings, concerns and experiences. Acknowledging and validating the employee as a whole person helps create a more supportive and inclusive work environment.
  2. Listen actively, showing genuine interest in what employees have to say and asking clarifying questions to ensure comprehension. Avoid interrupting or dismissing their thoughts and take the feedback to heart.  
  3. Recognize the individual differences in communication preferences and adjust your approach accordingly to promote inclusivity and ensure messages are well-received.  

Fostering a culture of trust, collaboration and engagement within the organization requires equal parts soft skills and technical leadership. 


Ensure Frequent and Timely Internal Communications

Even the best messaging won’t adequately keep employees informed and engaged if it’s old news. To make sure everyone on the team feels valued and connected to the organization, keep communication timely and relevant.  

Striking the balance between regularly sharing updates and allowing time for absorption of the information is a bit of an art of timing. Too much communication can be overwhelming and the recipients may start to disengage. Too little communication can be equally alienating.  

  1. Share information regularly to keep employees informed, but ensure updates are brief and to the point.
  2. Establish a consistent cadence for updates and announcements so everyone knows when to expect communication. If additional information needs to be shared, be thoughtful with the spacing of messages.
  3. Address employee concerns and questions promptly to help foster open communication and a culture of responsiveness.

A proactive approach to employee communication ensures information is disseminated efficiently.  


Leverage Measurable and Actionable Communication

Actionable communication strategies ensure messaging aligns with overall company objectives and drives meaningful, measurable outcomes.  

  1. Set clear, specific goals for communication initiatives with measurable benchmarks to allow for tracking progress and evaluating the effectiveness.
  2. Regularly assess communication efforts. Analyze factors such as employee engagement, message reach and feedback to gauge the impact.
  3. Based on the data collected, you can make informed adjustments to communication strategies as needed. Identify areas for improvement and refine the approach to better meet the needs and preferences of employees.

Using feedback mechanisms and surveys like the ones provided in partnership between Inspirus and The Happiness Index helps you measure the cultural health of your organization with actionable insights into the thoughts and emotions of your employees. 

Employee Message Templates for Leaders

Following these best practices for internal employee communication are table stakes. But what about when it comes to actually crafting the messages? It can be a challenge to find the right words, balance and tone for each situation. This is where employee message templates can be helpful to provide a starting point. These templates shouldn’t be directly copied without customization, but they can be used for inspiration and as a framework.  

Company Updates and Announcements  

Sharing updates about the latest developments and achievements of the company is one of the most common reasons for internal communications. Whether you send out the message on a regular basis – like with monthly or quarterly newsletters – or only when there is news to share, here’s how to structure that update.

Subject line: [Company Name] Monthly/Quarterly/Update  

Hi [Team/Department/Name],I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to provide you with some important updates and news from [Company Name].

  • Brief summary of company performance and achievements.
  • Highlight key metrics, milestones and successes.
  • Address any challenges faced during the period.

Upcoming Initiatives:

  • Outline upcoming projects or events.
  • Provide details on how these initiatives align with company goals.


  • Encourage employees to share their thoughts, concerns and any feedback.
  • Provide a feedback channel for employees to reach out.

Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work! 

Policy and Procedural Changes    

Policies and procedures are typically updated often at organizations, but it’s critical to clearly communicate any changes when they do occur. Share the information via written communication and make sure to keep a copy of the correspondence for your records.  

Subject line: Important Policy Update: [Policy Name]

Hi [Team/Department/Name],

I’m writing to inform you about an important update regarding [Policy Name] at [Company Name].


  • Clearly explain the changes to the policy or procedure.
  • Provide the rationale behind the update and its importance for your organization.

Impact on Employees:

  • Outline how the changes will impact employees' roles and responsibilities.
  • Address any concerns or questions employees may have regarding the update.

Resources and Support:

  • Provide resources, such as training materials or contact information, if needed to support employees in understanding and implementing the changes.
  • Offer assistance or support for any additional clarification or guidance needed.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and your cooperation in adhering to the updated policy. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Employee Recognition and Appreciation    

There are so many ways to express your gratitude and appreciation, either privately in a one-on-one message or to the team as a whole. The message could be the precursor to a formal award or it could simply be a quick “thank you” for a great job.  

Additionally, there are various digital platforms that can help you recognize and appreciate your employees publicly within the organization. Leveraging an employee appreciation tool can help ensure your message resonates and has a long-lasting impact.  Of all the situations, employee recognition messages have the most opportunity for customizing the individual and their accomplishments.  Here is an outline to get started, with areas to add further details.  

Subject line: Congratulations to [Employee Name]!

Dear [Employee Name],

I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your recent [achievement/extraordinary efforts/commitment]!


  • Your outstanding performance and dedication to [specific project/task/initiative] has had a significant impact on our [team/department/organization]. 

Highlight Contributions:

  • [Provide details/examples of contributions and impact].


  • On behalf of the entire team/company, I want to express our sincere gratitude for your exceptional efforts. Your contributions exemplify our organization's values of [list relevant values] and have been a source of inspiration for the whole team.


  • Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It really makes a difference to [our organization/team/mission] and doesn't go unnoticed. work! 

Crisis Communication and Incident Response     

During a crisis, quick and clear communication is a must. Provide transparent updates and details about next steps.

Subject: Important Update: [Crisis Situation]

Hi [Team/Department/Name],

I am reaching out to provide you with an important update regarding [Situation].


I want to assure you that we are committed to keeping you informed about the crisis/incident.Here is a brief overview of the situation: [provide clear, factual information about the crisis/incident].

Response Plan:

  • Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our employees and stakeholders.
  • We have activated our crisis response plan and are taking [specific actions] to address the situation swiftly and effectively.

Impact on Employees:

  • We understand that this crisis may have potential impacts on your roles and responsibilities.
  • Here is how [Crisis Situation] may affect you: [outline potential impacts].

Support Resources:

  • Your well-being is paramount to us, and we want to ensure you have access to the support you need during this time.
  • Please refer to [list support resources and channels] for further assistance and communication.
  • Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.  se do not hesitate to reach out. 

Crafting Effective Employee Messages

Combining the above best practices with templates as a framework for structure can help you craft effective messages that are clear and engaging. To recap, though, here are some additional tips to keep in mind: 

Tailored tone and language:

Customize the tone and language to suit the audience and message type, ensuring relevance and relatability. Make sure your tone and language are reflective of how your company usually communicates with employees – is it more formal or informal? Funny or serious? Be consistent.

Two-way communication

Encourage two-way communication by providing channels for feedback and questions, fostering active dialogue.

Storytelling techniques:

Use storytelling to captivate the audience's attention, making messages more memorable and impactful.

Proofreading and review:

Make sure to double-check messages for clarity, accuracy and consistency before hitting send.

Multimedia elements:

Incorporate visuals, videos, GIFs and other multimedia elements to enhance the message's effectiveness and appeal to different communication styles.

Cultural sensitivity:

Respect diversity and cultural differences when communicating with global teams, recognizing and accommodating varying perspectives.

Need help implementing any of these strategies to improve internal communication at your organization?

Inspirus, an expert in employee engagement and recognition, provides valuable insights and a comprehensive, user-friendly platform with a suite of capabilities that elevate corporate communication. Connect with us today. 

More Resources on Employee Communication


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