Employee Engagement


Employee Engagement

By Michael C. Haas
Subscribe now and receive new articles sent directly to your Inbox. There’s a new business buzzword that’s been making the media rounds lately that you’ve almost certainly heard: “quiet quitting.” It refers to the apparently growing trend of employees’ dialing back their work efforts — putting forth the bare minimum amount of work necessary to keep their jobs.

HR’s Vital Role in Influencing and Managing Change

Employee Engagement

By Terri Moore
“Company culture is having a watershed moment that’s redefining the relationship between employers and employees,” wrote Mark Lobosco, VP, Talent Solutions at LinkedIn, in a post earlier this year.


Employee Engagement

By Sylena McClendon
Inspirus encourages our employees to use gender identity and inclusive pronouns to improve the employee experience, promote human rights and gain a better understanding of individual differences and preferences. We don’t do this because it is the popular thing to do — although research shows... “they” internet searches have increased by 313% since 2019 — we do this because we recognize the need for more inclusivity in the language we use, and we recognize the need to create inclusive environments so we can fully connect with our co-workers.

5 Key Stages of the Employee Journey

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
It’s no secret that employee engagement is powerful. Everyone benefits when teams are passionate about the impact they’re having and employees feel valued by their employer. In fact, companies with highly engaged employees create an emotional connection and report seeing less turnover, fewer workplace accidents and better productivity. 


Employee Engagement

By Alex McKee
Need to build community within your organization, and stay on-brand? One of the best features of the Inspirus® Connects employee recognition platform are the Spotlights. This area of the platform, which can be configured as self-service, is where your organization can showcase brand-specific... stories, news, events and initiatives that need to be communicated to your entire workforce. Spotlights can and should be changed often, to keep your employees coming back in search of fresh information and informed about what’s happening within your company.

Employee Wellness: 4 Ways to Keep Staff Happy, Healthy, & Engaged

Employee Engagement

By Terri Moore
The month of May is all about re-birth and re-emergence. Flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising, and we’re all ready to shed our coats, get outside, and enjoy some much needed fun-in-the-sun. May is also the perfect month to focus on health. It’s National Blood Pressure Month and International Nurses’ Week begins May 6th. And to kick things off, May 1st is Employee Health and Fitness Day.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In the second part of this two-part series, we will explore the benefits of consolidating your HR tech stack into one central platform and how streamlining your tech can better support all employees, regardless of where they work. In Part 1 , we looked at how organizations can streamline and consolidate employee rewards and recognition programs to improve engagement and utilization.


Employee Engagement

The pandemic has changed us in immeasurable ways with the workplace arguably seeing the most significant impacts in terms of changing needs, expectations — and demands — from employees.... Empathy matters, even in the workplace. In fact, Forbes reported that 96% of employees believe showing empathy is important. Unfortunately, 92% believe that empathy is undervalued in the workplace. And, while 92% of CEOs indicate that their organizations are empathetic, only 50% of employees believe their CEOs are empathetic. Which is why humanizing the workplace is so important.

Employee Engagement is an Essential Strategy for Business Success

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In 2020, Gallup conducted the world’s largest study on employee engagement — taking a deep dive into the experiences of 100,000 teams to identify the ties between engagement and 11 specific performance outcomes. The study was done, in part, to validate Gallup’s widely known Gallup Q12 which offers a framework for evaluating and improving employee engagement.


Employee Engagement

By Paula Ambrozic
While the sentiment behind the date and the recognition is well intended, employers should be showing appreciation for their employees every day — not just one day of the year. The annual event offers a good opportunity to make an important distinction between gratitude and thankfulness — one being an event (thankfulness) and the other an ongoing process (gratitude).

hybrid workforce

Employee Engagement

The pandemic has forever changed how we do business. Once people realized they could work from home and perform their job just as efficiently, or in some cases, more efficiently, many saw no need to return to the “old” days of time-consuming, expensive, and stressful commutes. On the other hand, are those workers that feel increasingly isolated at home and can’t wait to get back to the office. This leaves organizations struggling to figure out how to balance some employees’ desire to return to the office with other’s preference to stay remote.

25 No Cost Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

Employee Engagement

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
Shaping company culture is like developing any relationship; it requires commitment, trust, communication, and a common goal. A positive team culture has been proven to increase employee engagement and generate more positive business outcomes.

6 Ways to Use Technology to Support a Hybrid Workforce

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that overall turnover rates peaked at 57.3%, with 4 million Americans quitting their jobs in July alone — leaving 10.9 million available jobs! “The Great Resignation” has changed the employment landscape and many experts predict those repercussions to bleed far into 2022.

3 Reasons to Recognize Employees Early

Employee Engagement

By Catherine Turner
You’ve no doubt heard the talk about the “turnover tsunami” that is resulting in a mass exodus of employees — not only from their specific jobs, but from the workforce in general! The pandemic has provided employees both with a taste of freedom and flexibility that many didn’t previously have and with plenty of time to contemplate and consider what they want from their lives and their careers.


Employee Engagement

Employee Appreciation Day is the first Friday in March! Did you know that 85% of employees are satisfied with a simple ‘thank you’ for their efforts? This simple acknowledgment proves that expressing gratitude strengthens employee engagement and retention. Here are a few ways to say ‘thank you’ and then some — both remote and in-person — to show your appreciation and help spread cheer and gratitude.