Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.


Employee Recognition

By Craig Sukenic
Ignoring employee engagement can be costly. Strong employee engagement is an indicator of employee satisfaction, a healthy organizational culture, and a sustainable business. Let’s dive deeper into the relationship between employee engagement and better business outcomes, and explore how employee recognition can help boost both.


Employee Engagement

By Sylena McClendon
Inspirus encourages our employees to use gender identity and inclusive pronouns to improve the employee experience, promote human rights and gain a better understanding of individual differences and preferences. We don’t do this because it is the popular thing to do — although research shows... “they” internet searches have increased by 313% since 2019 — we do this because we recognize the need for more inclusivity in the language we use, and we recognize the need to create inclusive environments so we can fully connect with our co-workers.

5 Key Stages of the Employee Journey

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
It’s no secret that employee engagement is powerful. Everyone benefits when teams are passionate about the impact they’re having and employees feel valued by their employer. In fact, companies with highly engaged employees create an emotional connection and report seeing less turnover, fewer workplace accidents and better productivity. 

Three Unique Employee Recognition Ideas

Employee Recognition

By Lisa Muniz
Savvy business leaders know that engaged employees are productive employees — and that productive employees help to drive business results and desired business outcomes. Unfortunately, engagement isn’t something that’s easy to achieve, or maintain. It’s something that companies of all types and sizes tend to struggle with. Fortunately, there are tools that can help organizations better manage and measure employee engagement, ensuring that they achieve results that align with their business goals.

6 Ways to Know if You’re Ready for Employee Engagement Tech


By Kelley Briggs
Adopting digital tools to support employee engagement and provide a better employee experience is a valuable advantage in today’s competitive marketplace. Employee engagement tools like Inspirus Connects can help employers motivate employees, creating a healthier team culture.


Employee Engagement

By Alex McKee
Need to build community within your organization, and stay on-brand? One of the best features of the Inspirus® Connects employee recognition platform are the Spotlights. This area of the platform, which can be configured as self-service, is where your organization can showcase brand-specific... stories, news, events and initiatives that need to be communicated to your entire workforce. Spotlights can and should be changed often, to keep your employees coming back in search of fresh information and informed about what’s happening within your company.

digital cards

Employee Recognition

By Alex McKee
In this post Covid-19 “new normal”, companies are finding employee rewards and recognition programs a key strategy to motivate employees, restore pre-pandemic engagement levels and reduce turnover. Organizations looking for ways to reward employees and drive employee engagement are realizing the need to “go digital” in order to reach their entire workforce (including those working remotely), build community and fulfill modern workers’ needs.


Employee Retention

By Terri Moore
So how do you keep them happy and having a positive employee experience? Staving off burnout, anxiety, and fatigue before they even happen. And you can start by focusing on employee satisfaction using a rewards and recognition program. Here are five ways business leaders and human resources can do more:

Rewards and Recognition When to Use What


By Theresa Karkins-Schulz
It’s no secret that employee recognition is critical to your company’s bottom line. Without it, employee morale and motivation plunges, and turnover soars. Giving your workforce a tool for recognition empowers them to celebrate each other, fostering a culture of appreciation and improving business success.

Employee Wellness: 4 Ways to Keep Staff Happy, Healthy, & Engaged

Employee Engagement

By Terri Moore
The month of May is all about re-birth and re-emergence. Flowers are blooming, temperatures are rising, and we’re all ready to shed our coats, get outside, and enjoy some much needed fun-in-the-sun. May is also the perfect month to focus on health. It’s National Blood Pressure Month and International Nurses’ Week begins May 6th. And to kick things off, May 1st is Employee Health and Fitness Day.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In the second part of this two-part series, we will explore the benefits of consolidating your HR tech stack into one central platform and how streamlining your tech can better support all employees, regardless of where they work. In Part 1 , we looked at how organizations can streamline and consolidate employee rewards and recognition programs to improve engagement and utilization.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
In the first installment of a two-part series, we will explore how organizations can streamline and consolidate programs for employee rewards and recognition to better support all employees, regardless of where they work. In Part 2, we’ll look at the benefits of consolidating your HR tech stack into one central platform.


Employee Engagement

The pandemic has changed us in immeasurable ways with the workplace arguably seeing the most significant impacts in terms of changing needs, expectations — and demands — from employees.... Empathy matters, even in the workplace. In fact, Forbes reported that 96% of employees believe showing empathy is important. Unfortunately, 92% believe that empathy is undervalued in the workplace. And, while 92% of CEOs indicate that their organizations are empathetic, only 50% of employees believe their CEOs are empathetic. Which is why humanizing the workplace is so important.

Employee Engagement is an Essential Strategy for Business Success

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
In 2020, Gallup conducted the world’s largest study on employee engagement — taking a deep dive into the experiences of 100,000 teams to identify the ties between engagement and 11 specific performance outcomes. The study was done, in part, to validate Gallup’s widely known Gallup Q12 which offers a framework for evaluating and improving employee engagement.

8 Ways to Prevent Burnout and Keep Employees Happy


By Terri Moore
April is Stress Awareness Month. According to a recent survey by digital wellness company meQuilibrium, between December 2020 and July 2021, employees reported a 21% increase in burnout and a 17% increase in physical symptoms of stress, including muscle tension and fatigue. Participants also expressed anxiety over work-life balance and higher levels of job stress in general.