Inspirus Blog
Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.
Employee Engagement
By Cara Pilgrim
When employees spend time on e-learning, under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employee must be compensated for all “hours worked,” including training time. To alleviate this strain, Inspirus is bringing compensation reports into the equation, because keeping track of hours isn’t always as simple.
Employee Engagement
By Cara Pilgrim
“In today’s business environment, learning is an essential tool for engaging employees, attracting and retaining top talent, and developing long-term leadership for the company.” — Global Human Capital Trends 2016, Deloitte University Press, learning and development play such a critical role within an organization. So how do we tailor our learning initiatives to fit this new direction in learning?
The Inspirus vision statement, “Bring joy to work, one experience at a time,” not only applies to the companies we work with across the globe, but includes our very own employees too.
Employee Engagement
By An Inspirus Contributor
If employee turnover, engagement, and succession planning are major concerns for your organization, you are not alone. According to a recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study, these are the top three challenges HR professionals are facing today. These issues are closely connected. A disengaged workforce negatively impacts both employee retention and succession planning. How can you plan for the future if a high turnover rate demands your constant attention?
By Charlla Feller-Davis
Company safety incentive programs are critical to the health and safety of your organization. I learned this early on as a professional.
By Charlla Feller-Davis
For years we’ve been hearing the same beleaguered declaration: The cost of healthcare is going up. It’s an understatement that doesn’t come close to reflecting the magnitude of how much costs are climbing. Experts report costs have increased 274 times since 1950. No other sector of U.S. goods or services has experienced such an unbridled uptick. Today, healthcare costs are growing at a much faster rate than inflation, the economy and wages.
By Charlla Feller-Davis
For decades, we’ve heard a lot about work-life balance. Employers eager to retain valuable talent were schooled about the many reasons why employees didn’t want to engage in daily rounds of “last soldier standing” to prove their commitment or value. Companies implemented a range of ideas—everything from flex schedules and lunchtime yoga to job sharing and bring your dog to work—in an effort to help employees de-stress and reclaim valuable time for themselves and their families. While these ideas are great, the benchmark has evolved.