Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.

Connecting Return on Recognition (ROR) to Vision

Employee Recognition

By Bill W. Tyler, CPS
One of the frustrating aspects of investing in an employee recognition program is the difficulty in making the connection between the investment and its improved business outcomes and financial returns. Ultimately, every company wants its employees to work together to achieve its vision.


Employee Recognition

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
We become less efficient and more likely to make a mistake. Multi-tasking and high stress levels can dramatically increase the chance of job burnout. Are you being asked to do more with less resources? Are you juggling work with kids attending school online? Burnout can affect our physical and mental health, so finding balance in our lives is critically important. See if you identify with any of these signs of burnout. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the signs of burnout above, here are some action steps you can take to help you manage and move through it.

Building a More Inclusive Leadership Pipeline


By Gene Park
Inclusive leadership can be a competitive advantage that helps organizations succeed. Not only does a diverse and inclusive work environment build team culture, it also attracts and retains talented employees who remain engaged and are likely to continue advancing their careers within your organization. Diverse and inclusive leadership can have a major influence on inclusive behaviors and dynamics among employees. But it’s equally as advantageous for an organization’s bottom line.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. When it comes to introducing new hires to your company culture, the onboarding and training experience is a huge opportunity to initiate employee engagement by communicating your mission, vision, and values from day one. Employees who feel connected to the company's "why" bring more of themselves to work, are more engaged, and more loyal.


Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
It’s no secret that the most highly regarded employers draw in the top talent in the industry. When your knowledge, experience, and natural gifts are considerable enough, you’re afforded the luxury of choice, and if you have a choice, then it follows that you’re most likely going to choose to work for a top company.

6 Top Priorities for HR Leaders in 2021

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
2020 was a year of seismic change— not just for those in the world of HR, but for the world as a whole. The COVID-19 pandemic caused many businesses to transition to remote work in order to continue forward. With that transition came a number of new problems for HR leaders that have required some innovative thinking to solve.

Making the Business Case for an Employee Engagement Program

Employee Engagement

By Kelley BriggS
Employee engagement has grown in awareness and importance over the past decade, beyond human resources and into the offices of executives and organizational leaders. Why? Extensive research by Gallup found that, on average, 17.2 percent of an organization’s workforce is actively disengaged. Gallup also found that an actively disengaged employee costs their organization $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary, or 34 percent. That means an actively disengaged employee who makes $60,000 a year costs their company $20,400 a year! Couple that with Gartner research, which found a 13% increase.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
With so many companies in HR technology talking about employee engagement, it’s easy to get confused. Maybe you’re even sick of hearing about employee engagement. That's understandable!


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
Companies today experience a much more diverse workforce than they have in the past. The age range among their employees is one of the widest in history, spanning from those born in the 1920's (the Silent Generation) to those born in the 1980's (the Millennials). With members of the Silent Generation staying in the workforce longer, and Millennials entering the workforce at a faster rate, it is important for companies to understand and manage the differences each generation brings to the company.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
If you think about it, every day we get out of bed means another day of having our performance measured. Whether you complete a project before the deadline at work or exceed the amount of time you typically ride a stationary bike at the gym, measuring success is an integral part of life. Even our kids measure us, although their measurements tend to be a bit on the subjective side.

3 Employee Engagement Strategies Connect Remote Global Teams

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
Our global economy and workforce are more interlocked than ever before and since technology enables us to work from anywhere, it’s not uncommon to communicate with teams that are dispersed across the globe. As more of us are working remotely, it’s a challenge to build the same level of connection and rapport that comes from working in person or being able to meet face-to-face. Yet in today’s economy, creating an environment in which a global team can build connection and trust is a necessity, as this can be a catalyst for creating a high-performing team that can meet and exceed business goals.

planning meeting

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
There is no question that designing and implementing an employee recognition plan is good for business. The question then becomes: "How do communicate its importance across the entire organization?"... You can possess the smoothest communication skills on the planet, but your communication skills will fall short if you don't understand every detail of your company’s recognition program. Spend time reviewing every component of the program before you begin sharing information with your team. If you have a question or two, do not hesitate to lean on your internal champion or your recognition program expert for guidance.

Communication Tools to Promote Your Recognition Program

Employee Recognition

By Kelly Briggs
Congrats! You've made the decision to design and implement an employee recognition program. In that case, you probably don't need to be sold on the many benefits a well-designed program will bring to your team. But, your recognition program is just like a beautifully-designed product: if nobody knows about it, it will languish in obscurity.


Employee Engagement

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
Employee engagement – a critical component of the employee experience – can keep employees connected and loyal to your company, especially during crises like the current Covid-19 pandemic. While company culture is often thought to be physically created in a building, a break room, or at an event, it’s actually a mindset that can be achieved through intent and actions.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
The very concept of the gig economy is built on trust — everything from getting into a stranger’s car (Uber and Lyft), to staying in their home (Airbnb and VRBO). Customers expect a good experience, and it takes a lot of effort to consistently meet customer needs. Many organizations leverage independent contract workers to help deliver an outstanding experience that will ultimately earn customer trust.