Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.

women laughing in office

Employee Retention

Struggling with Employee Turnover? Learn the Three Keys to Increase Employee Retention

Building Team Culture Activities that Boost Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
Everyone likes to feel recognized in a way that resonates with them. But for managers who oversee large teams, individualized recognition can be a tall order to fill.

How to Create a Positive Supportive Workplace (That Employees Won’t Leave)


By Catherine Turner
Investing in employee rewards and recognition is a sound decision for any organization — what gets rewarded gets repeated! By tangibly providing evidence to employees of what you value, you positively impact the future behavior of the employee being rewarded, and their peers.

Pitfalls to Avoid when Implementing a Rewards & Recognition Program

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
Although most recognition programs are rooted in good intentions, some are sparked by an event — poor scores on an employee survey, for instance — that prompts HR managers to “do something.” Everything about the program is driven by a sense of urgency. As a result, quickly formed rewards and recognition programs often lack strategic focus and fail to deliver effective results.

Four circles that display sad to happy faces with the happies smiley face circled

Employee Retention

The importance of retaining top talent cannot be overstated in today’s economic climate. Employee retention is a key factor in driving organizational success - especially during an economic downturn.

Coworkers sitting around a table with the focus on a one employee in the middle

Employee Retention

In today’s modern and digital workforce, maintaining a competitive edge while creating a culture of engagement is top of mind for HR professionals and C suite executives.

Five employees walking in an office looking happy

Employee Retention

Employee retention has emerged as a critical yet complex aspect for businesses to navigate. The shifting dynamics of the workplace, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic, have brought this issue into sharp focus.

Three employees gathered around a computer

Employee Retention

Employee retention and engagement are essential for organizational success. Together, they not only contribute to a thriving, motivated, and productive workforce but can also bolster an organizations’ bottom line.

A group of employee smiling

Employee Retention

Understanding the elements of employee retention, how to influence the contributing factors, and the most effective strategies for improving the conditions that make better outcomes probable and not just possible.

Coworkers gathered around a table working on a project

Employee Retention

No company wants to hire an employee only to see them leave at some point in their tenure—especially if they’re a top candidate filling a critical need. Unfortunately, though, employee turnover is an inevitable reality for all businesses.

Six colleagues discussing in a conference room

Employee Retention

Consistency is king for driving success at any company and that’s especially true when it comes to people power. Reducing employee turnover and retaining top talent is a central component of ensuring a consistent, stable work environment.

Employees working at a table

Employee Retention

Replacing an exiting employee is a costly, time-consuming task – especially when it’s an unexpected departure to pursue another opportunity, as opposed to a planned retirement. That’s why employee retention is such a big deal.

A group of colleagues talking to each other

Employee Retention

In just the span of three years, the workforce has undergone a radical transformation. Employees are feeling the strain of burnout, teams are now dispersed, and the economy is in a downturn.

Four coworkers talking in an company lounge

Employee Retention

With the expanding pool of remote job opportunities, organizations are facing an even greater challenge with retaining their top talent. The competition for attracting and retaining skilled professionals is fierce despite the job market cooling off in 2023, requiring organizations to adopt intentional strategies for talent retention.

How Technology Helps Build Community in Your Workplace and Beyond

Employee Engagement

By An Inspirus Contributer
Technology is transforming the ways we develop community within the modern workplace. How we interact, converse, recognize, and socialize is informed and shaped by the social platforms we use daily.