Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.


Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
Recognition is crucial to an organization’s employee engagement strategy. Like most leaders, you intrinsically know recognition supports your organization’s productivity and top-line growth. But, how do you prove it to other executives who are looking for a return on the investment in an employee recognition program?


Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
When employees feel appreciated, it can significantly boost morale and employee engagement. Research shows that only 15% of employees say they are recognized frequently enough, and yet 80% of employees would work harder if they felt better appreciated. Even simple gestures like saying “thank you” or publicly acknowledging a job well done can boost retention. According to one study, this is more important than a salary increase!

3 Ways to Bring Your Company-wide Wellness Initiatives Outdoors

Employee Retention

By Inspirus Contributer
Inspire your employees to take their personal health goals to the next level. No matter the time of year, it’s always good to let your team take in the outdoors. Spending time outside has many benefits, such as reduced stress, but it also improves your productivity back in the office with a boost in concentration, short-term memory, and creative thinking skills [1]. Additionally, 53% of companies would like to create a workplace culture that promotes positive health habits among employees.


Employee Engagement

By An Inspirus Contributor
According to a survey conducted this year by Harvard Business Review, “companies with above-average total diversity had both 19% points higher innovation revenues and 9% points higher EBIT margins, on average.” A McKinsey analysis also found that “companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams were 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile,” as well as a “33% likelihood of outperformance on EBIT margin” for ethnic and cultural diversity.

6 Ways to WOW Your Workforce


By Gene Park
Surprise your coworkers with a little something special!... Who couldn’t use a little R-E-C-O-G-N-I-T-I-O-N? You may know them as, your right arm, or the go-to-person, maybe even the resident rock star. Why not celebrate them and all they do? The following ideas would work well to express appreciation to any coworker. It's more glamorous when their travel details are being handled by the one person who never gets to go anywhere. Why not bring a little something back or send a package from your destination, just for them?

How to Be More Productive in the Office Take a Vacation

Employee Engagement

By Theresa Harkins-Schulz
It may seem counterintuitive for today’s pressurized employees, but one of the best ways to be happier and more productive in the office is to escape from it. Vacation, with all the benefits it brings staff and employers alike, is finally being recognized as a valuable asset for any company. Whether it’s a week on the beach in Mexico, hiking in the Alps or a trip to Las Vegas, research shows that getting away from it all is good for business.


Employee Engagement

Subscribe now and receive new articles sent directly to your Inbox. Most of the Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly programs promote a single winner for a defined period. The problem is often that if there are “winners,” then naturally there are “losers.” Many times, there are numerous submissions, but only one is selected for the reward and its accompanying perks.

Diversity - A Competitive Edge for Business

Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
To reflect the needs of a diverse global market, companies need to encourage diversity and inclusion within their own organizations. Along with creating a more representative workforce, diversity also helps to build a more successful company. A two-year research study by Deloitte [1] shows that companies who embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.

Diversity The Three Lessons You Can’t Miss


By Gene Park
Today’s top talent doesn’t fit into a mold, they are as diverse as the world around us. Follow these three lessons to ensure that your company rewards, recognizes and inspires diversity among all employees.

How Can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Become More Family-friendly?

Employee Retention

By Gene Park
Competing against products and services from much larger companies comes with the territory for small and medium sized enterprises. But should they also try to match big firms when it comes to parental policies? All the evidence suggests that small and medium-sized enterprises can gain tangible benefits from supporting employees who have to juggle a career with raising a family.


Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
We hear it often: Millennials are spoiled and entitled; Gen Xers are skeptical and negative; Baby Boomers live for their jobs; Technology is lost on Traditionalists. While it can be easy to accept these sweeping generalizations, when we take a closer look, we find that generations actually have a lot in common – especially in terms of their quality of life expectations in the workplace.


Employee Retention

By Gene Park
How can you harness the experience of a senior executive, and spread new ideas and a fresh approach of a promising manager? The answer lies in mentoring: a practice that is growing in popularity as companies look to develop their future leaders. Low-cost, high returns, and happy people all around, what’s not to like in a mentoring program?

Engaging Employees with Total Recognition Branding


By Gene Park
Business cannot live by metrics alone. Balance sheets, production capacities and earnings reports are certainly attractive to Wall Street analysts, but customers and employees seek a deeper attachment to the companies they buy from and work for. What nurtures that attachment? Consumers and employees bond, in part, with a brand— the intersection between what customers and employees know about a company (the intellectual component) and what they feel about that company (the emotional component). Why do millions of consumers exhibit a religious-like devotion to Apple products? Why does the J.M. Smucker Company so often rank near the top of the Great Place to Work Institutes’ list of the “100 Best Companies to Work for in America?”


Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
More and more organizations are moving toward centralized reward and recognition programs for greater program efficiency and effectiveness. Yet, far too many are failing to take what may be the most important step toward reaching their goals. That crucial step is proving their program’s return.


Employee Engagement

By Cara Pilgrim
Managing generational diversity in the workplace effectively allows companies to build a collaborative multigenerational workforce that embraces a wide range of generations from Baby Boomers celebrating decades of service anniversaries, to brand new hires in Generation Z. But this needs to be a collective goal for your organization in order to be successful.