Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.

4 Things to Remember When Setting Employee Engagement Goals

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
Implementing an effective employee engagement program can pay dividends in helping your organization reach larger goals, like boosting employee morale and retention. Josh Bersin & Associates find that organizations whose recognition programs are highly effective at improving engagement also have 31% less turnover among their workforce.


Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
Whether you are a new hire or a tenured employee, as a project manager it is essential to have trust, cooperation, and buy-in to make any project or initiative a success. So how do you gain buy-in and whose support is essential for long-term implementation and successful execution? According... to a recent Competitive Focus article, there are two components of gaining support from stakeholders: acquiring the emotional or psychological commitment from stakeholders and acquiring the financial resources necessary to implement your program.

4 Ways To Increase Employees Engagement Using Employee Feedback

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
Employee feedback is a cornerstone of employee engagement best practices and is a necessity in building stronger ties with your workforce. Many employees want to receive feedback that allows them to see the value of their contributions, but also understand where there’s room for improvement.

group smiling

Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
It’s official. Millennials are now the largest segment of America’s labor force. The Pew Center for Research reports that 56 million Millennials (individuals 22 to 36 years old) are currently either actively working or looking for work—eclipsing the 53 million Gen Xers and 41 million Baby Boomers still earning a paycheck. The changing of the multigenerational workplace landscape has brought a lot of dramatic shifts. While the cradle-to-grave mentality that defined Boomers is gone, don’t be lulled into thinking the time-honored “retirement” send-off is now an unnecessary nicety. To the contrary, it’s probably more important than ever.

group smile

Employee Engagement

By Katie Fanuko
Employees who feel like they belong are a key ingredient in your organization’s success. Employees with a sense of belonging at work are 3.5 times more likely to be productive, motivated, and engaged, according to research by the Center for Talent Innovation, an NYC-based think tank. One of the most simple and effective ways of creating a greater sense of satisfaction and belonging in the workplace is through employee recognition programs.

5 Employee Recognition, Engagement, and Experience Trends to Act on Now

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
There are always new employee engagement trends that seem worthy of implementing in the workplace. The challenge is determining which ones truly have staying power.

How to Engage Older Employees in a Multigenerational Workforce

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
One of the fastest growing demographics in the workforce might surprise you. By 2024, there will be 41 million workers over the age of 55, and 13 million will be 65 or older, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. [1]

3 Tips - How to Engage Employees in a Hybrid Environment

Employee Engagement

By An Inspirus Contributor
While some organizations are refining their remote work policies, working remotely and flexible workplaces are still expected to grow in the next decade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 73% of teams will have a remote workforce by 2028.

Are Employers Really Ready for Work Life Integration

Employee Retention

By Gene Park
Stress is probably the most widely understood malaise of the modern workplace, blighting the lives of hundreds of millions of workers around the world. What’s been much less understood is how to deal with employee wellness. However, the rise of ‘feel-good management’ offers a new answer to a longstanding problem.


Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
There are so many nuances to navigate in the workplace. Language—specifically the language we use to tell people we value the contributions they make to our organizations—is one of them. The language we use in our recognition programs deserves careful consideration. Today, most businesses.


Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
Employee recognition is an effective, low-cost solution to avoiding employee departures. “Recognition, applied in the right ways, can tip the balance towards why an employee will stay with a company,” says Inspirus Solutions Architect, Sean Mayo. “When an employee leaves, an organization doesn’t just lose a trained employee. An organization can also lose customers—depending on the relationships—as well as intellectual capital.”


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
Peer-to-peer recognition from peers is a powerful way to build our relationships and tie together that social cohesion that everyone appreciates. Whether employees work from home, or at the company headquarters, they want to feel valued and respected by others around them. Receiving recognition that their contributions matter — especially to peers — creates a thriving culture for all employees.


Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
Both extrovert and introvert personalities bring unique attributes that benefit the workplace, however, there are characteristics that are more associated with each personality type. Generally speaking, extroverts are revitalized by spending time with others, whereas introverts recharge through... It’s important for managers to consider the role personality can play in how an individual prefers to be recognized and rewarded. For example, an introvert may be more comfortable with being acknowledged for a large accomplishment in front of their team, as opposed to the entire company during a meeting (whereas some extroverts might be thrilled with the latter option).

How to Add Recognition into Your Onboarding Process

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
Welcoming a new employee can be an exciting time for your team, especially if added talent enables your team to meet deliverables more efficiently.

How to Make Sense of Employee Engagement Technology

Employee Engagement

By Gene Park
It’s a confusing time to shop for engagement technology.