Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
Recognizing employee contributions and accomplishments won’t only boost the morale of your whole workforce, but it can also help create a more positive and productive work environment that will lift your entire organization. However, in the ever-evolving and increasingly sophisticated business landscape we inhabit today, finding the best way to give your workforce its due can be tricky without the help of an employee recognition platform.

3 Ways to Enhance Community Within Your Organization


By Gene Park
Recognition programs are a great way to acknowledge employees when celebrating a service anniversary or acknowledging an employee’s great contributions, but such programs can encompass so much more.

3 Ways to Enhance Community Within Your Organization


By Kelly Briggs
Building a sense of community within the workplace is a continual process, especially as the modern workforce evolves. A new generation is entering the workforce, teams of co-workers are collaborating in multiple locations across the globe — in part because of the remote working conditions post-pandemic — and alternative employment (a.k.a. gig work) is a new reality for many workers.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
As a leader in your organization, you likely know just how advantageous it can be to reward and recognize the efforts of your employees to your workplace culture. These measures can improve team morale, employee engagement, and even your bottom line. But did you know that you can reap even greater benefits by tailoring your rewards and recognition system to your organization's culture?


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
If you’re a leader of your organization, any time you can find a reason to recognize the contributions of your workforce is an opportunity for you to increase employee engagement and improve team culture, all while giving employees the credit that they deserve. Whether you’re handing out a monthly award, celebrating a milestone, or simply saying thank you, a little special recognition can go a long way.

How to Reduce Employee Turnover

Employee Recognition

By Kelly Briggs
If you own or manage a business, employee turnover is simply a fact of life. Some employees will grow alongside the business and become a significant asset to the company’s day-to-day operations for many years. Some employees find that their needs and contributions only fit their position for a short time.

Cash is No Longer King

Employee Recognition

By Sean Mayo
In a world where money has a very powerful allure and a lot of it is offered up as a “quick fix” for all kinds of issues and problems, it’s easy to see why cold, hard cash is a popular go-to when it comes to motivating employees. When incentive-based programs first arrived on the scene, cash was the common reward of choice — with employees receiving, on average, $75 to $350.

hand shake

Employee Recognition

By Patti Traglio
It’s no secret that salespeople are highly competitive individuals who thrive on validation and glory. But their job is not all roses and sunshine, they face constant obstacles and daily rejection. A Frontiers Study found this repetitive negativity causes bad moods and even aggression, which can lead to poor performance and lackluster sales. So how do you keep your sales force motivated and productive? It begins with understanding their “WHY?” — their motivation — and HOW they want to be valued in your organization.

3 Ways Managers Can Address Burnout

Employee Engagement

By Kelly Briggs
Work-related burnout is more common than many of us may realize. Nearly two-thirds of US workers have experienced burnout. For many employees, the COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer of stress to their already hectic lives.


Employee Recognition

By Kelley Briggs
One way that organizations avoid winding up on the wrong end of a survey like this is to recognize employee contributions through a service anniversary program. Celebrating service anniversaries are a simple, yet effective way to let your employees know they are a valued part of the team. In turn, this can lead to better productivity, an even stronger sense of loyalty, and less turnover.


Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
Will using employee rewards and recognition reinforce workplace safety? Having a workplace safety program is essential for any business, company, or corporation. A safe work environment is good for everyone — it protects employees, employers, and visitors, plus it maintains the daily workflow.

Using Recognition to Reward Star Sales Performers

Employee Recognition

By Gene Park
The top performers on your sales team are an invaluable part of your organization. They don’t just excel at their job — they set an example to the rest of the team, while representing company values to your customers and the competition. These high-quality sales pros are employees that any organization would want, which is why you need to recognize their efforts and acknowledge their value. If you don’t, another company just might.

shaking hands

Employee Recognition

By Paula Ambrozic
Most companies formally recognize tenure in some way. The odds are good that your organization is among them. But chances are also good that, like most companies, yours is not realizing the full potential of its service awards program.


Employee Recognition

By Sean Mayo
Points-based employee recognition programs are designed to reward employees with tangible monetary awards while removing the negatives associated with cash.

Small Gestures Can Make a Big Difference

Employee Engagement

By Kelley Briggs
It’s more important than ever for managers to make sure their employees feel valued and acknowledged for their efforts. It doesn’t take much, but during times like this, simple gestures can make a huge impact. One of the most effective ways to acknowledge employees is to know their recognition preferences. It can be as easy as knowing they prefer a quick thank you email instead of being recognized in front of others in a team meeting. Find what forms of recognition resonate most with your employees.