Inspirus Blog

Welcome to our space where we celebrate the power of rewards, recognition, and robust employee engagement. Dive in to discover transformative solutions that elevate workplace culture, boost morale, and drive unparalleled performance. Let's embark on a journey to appreciate, motivate, and empower your most valuable asset: your people.

Image shows a pen resting over a printed gantt chart

Employee Engagement

Inspirus’ own Senior Director of the Strategic Realization Office, Sue Severns, was recently featured on the PMI Dallas website as a featured author.

A team clapping for their colleague

Employee Recognition

Gone are the days when an annual pizza party was considered enough to recognize and appreciate employees. As the workforce evolves, so do employee expectations.

Image shows two employees shaking hands

Employee Engagement

There are two ways to approach an employee’s first day on the job. You could look at it as a checklist of orientation activities.

Image shows two wooden blocks stacked on top of each other that say "Welcome Onboard"

Employee Engagement

There is no question about how important onboarding is for an employee’s journey and, ultimately, a company’s bottom line.

Image shows an employee receiving a certificate in front of a group of employees.

Employee Recognition

The desire to be recognized and acknowledged is ingrained in all of us – it’s human nature to want to be appreciated.

Image shows a close up of a person writing a message

Employee Recognition

Words are powerful, and a well-crafted letter of recognition thanking an employee for their contributions can be a game-changer.

Image shows a bunch of people giving a thumbs up

Employee Recognition

Sometimes, there is nothing better than a few words of praise and appreciation. A genuine employee recognition message can make a world of difference for a team member.

Image showing two employees shaking hands

Employee Engagement

Those first few days or weeks on a job are critical for laying the foundation for a long and fruitful relationship.

An image that shows a sticky note that says "Welcome!"

Employee Engagement

When an employee joins your organization, they’re virtually a blank slate. They represent an opportunity to mold them into a highly engaged, productive, and loyal members of your team.


Employee Recognition

Some organizations recognize team members when they reach five or ten-year service milestones, others reward star sales performers, and still others celebrate retirements for valued employees. But few companies have all their bases covered simultaneously, or let alone know what all the bases are, to cover them! The good news is that leaders and managers know that rewards and recognition programs increase employee engagement, which boosts a variety of outcomes including business performance and employee satisfaction.


Employee Engagement

With disengagement levels high and burn out on the rise, the time has come for employers to re-energize their staff with meaningful employee engagement quotes.

A group of employees cheering around a table

Employee Engagement

Communication makes the world go around and that’s especially true in work environments. Employees need to understand what’s expected of them, how what they do helps drive organizational results and goal attainment, what they’re doing well, how they can improve, and how to work effectively with colleagues to get things done.

A woman holding a sticky note that says "Good work" with a smiley face

Employee Engagement

Why do human beings—and, in this case, employees—do the things they do? They do things because they’re motivated to do so.

A group of colleagues brainstorming at a white board

Employee Engagement

The importance of communication in the workplace should come as no surprise – it’s the backbone of any and all organizational success.

Three employees laughing together

Employee Engagement

Workplace dynamics are constantly evolving, but employee connection and communication remain cornerstones of organizational success.